Popular Articles
Is a landline needed for fibre?
For our OFNL fibre packages, no a landline is not needed. Most people do not take one, but we offer a landline (£5/mo) for those that do.
Can I upgrade/downgrade my service?
Yes, you can upgrade or downgrade at any time (takes 24hrs) by emailing hello@ashfordfibre.net with your request.
Do you offer a social tariff?
From 1st May 2023, we will now offer a social tariff at £20/mo. This is 30Mbps download, 5Mbps upload, and to accept an order on this rate we would require proof of eligibility emailed to our accounts team (accounts@ashfordfibre.net). Proof of ...
A site I am visiting is blocking me
Whilst ultimately its down to the site you are visiting to answer why they are blocking the connection, however we have seen this with some websites that are using outdated lists of who owns IP addresses (and so incorrect country mapped, causing you ...
What is the admin password for my router?
If you have a router supplied by us the router is supplied preconfigured - you should not need to log into it to configure the router prior to use, it is just a case of connecting and using. If you need to log into the administration settings after ...